Friday, February 12, 2010

Dog Throwing Up Mucas I Need Someone To Tell Me How I Can Help My Dog.?

I need someone to tell me how i can help my dog.? - dog throwing up mucas

My dog has been vomiting for about 4 or 5 .. This morning, about 20 times a day or so ... give vomited all liquids, even gave me his vet today.he treat agitation and vomiting was still the food you ate yesterday evening for a mucas fluids such as vomit .. certainly has not eaten since the vet said he couldnt a stool sample wats happening there, no one can see ... ? Suggest


miaugh said...

How old is this dog? Vomiting 20 times a day is much more serious than giardia or coccidia.

It may have an intestinal blockage or eating something poisonous.

It is necessary to bring it to an emergency clinic to have an X-ray.

moovet19... said...

You should contact a vet and discuss it as soon as possible. If a puppy can parvo. If you are an adult, could be a bowel obstruction, pancreatitis, or a number of other serious diseases. Now that your dog needs fluids. Since he can not keep fluids orally, intravenously, or at least fluids are injected subcutaneously. Dehydration will kill an animal very quickly. Even if a dog has not eaten stool often enough to have a stool sample. Your dog needs blood and x-rays, but liquids, especially!

Anne said...

If there is no maintenance, including water down and then goes on intravenous hydration. Do you really think you went to the vet is good? They differ in how our doctor, I am surprised that the vet sent him home with medicine, he vomited. I want to go to another veterinarian as soon as possible, you can not your dog both.

Willie said...

I hate to say it, but my dog died about 2 days after the same thing. Frothy mucus .. much vomiting, lethargy, etc.

Call an emergency veterinary clinic and describe the symptoms. You may need to get your dog to the vet immediately to the need to go more often to an IV and keep them until the day of inspection.

Your dog is so thin? Does your dog Entropia all ... sunken eyes? Only a few other things done to my dog before the final version to follow.

I am not a veteran, could be something simple and not to what happened to my dog in context.

Good luck.

stacy_jn... said...

What kind of veterinary medicine does not? It seems that the veterinarian is not at home w / a solution. If your dog can not be said of medicine and the veterinary surgeon that he had shit on a sample of thats ridiculous, they have time and do not have to think about What If! I prefer to spend the night w / my dog to the vet and eventually increase to w / out him. Maybe you need to get a second opinion. I called the vet emergency. Good luck! My poor dog had to spend the night in the emergency veterinary team 2x in the last month and it's scary! I'm just glad that even w / me! =) I really hope that what's good for you!

durdensl... said...

Sounds like parvo. And possibly, giardia or coccidia.
The person who answered and said, but a veterinarian can shit is not entirely correct. You can send a sample if retirees. If not, correct it with your vet, may not get.

I suggest you take him to another vet, you say exactly the same problems, what did you do before that happens and where it had previously happened. Perhaps is it? Help
In the meantime, continue fluids. I am surprised that your vet does not recommend that they hold and put a drip to keep hydrated.

Pink Teacup Pachyderm! said...

I would like to contact another vet .. just because your dog has not eaten anything today does not mean that its possible to get a stool sample.

We have recently had a cat to the vet and insisted that in the stool for worms .. They had a small plastic tool to get it attached to chair position to receive.

dbuddybo... said...

I'm sorry that your dog is sick. Talk to your veterinarian, but if you play long before him, he does not eat / drink all night. Then, little by little I have left very small amounts of water but no food on. I think your vet or if you have any answers. If not, you can search for another vet. Good luck to you and your dog.

Anonymous said...

If I were you, I would catch up with him to another vet for a second opinion and to take to check. Suffers a lot and needs help. The fact that the veterinarian can help, does not mean that the others can get. Not satisfied with the opinion of a person. The poor, I hope you better soon!

aen said...

4 OK him vomiting 1/2-1 teaspoon of Pepto Bismol every lbsto 5 to 2 tablespoons up to 3 times daily or 1 tablet per 15 pounds up to 3 times per day, or you can try Pepcid AC 5 mg per 10 pounds 1 - 2x daily HES now probably dehydrated Gatera water50/50 mix and as many as he wants

Teeners said...

Get the dog to the vet NOW! That too is something, vomiting, and is wrong!

Have him to the vet or vet today to get? I give the number of emergency vet and get the liquid into your dog NOW!

♥ Trixie ♥ said...

Take him to the vet! That seems pretty serious. If your veterinarian is unavailable, call an emergency vet and see what they say to do.

Good luck

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